HolyCoast: Catholics Aren't Waiting for the Supreme Court - File Massive Lawsuit Against Obamacare
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Monday, May 21, 2012

Catholics Aren't Waiting for the Supreme Court - File Massive Lawsuit Against Obamacare

I guess the Catholic church isn't taking any chances that the Supreme Court might uphold portions of Obamacare.  They're filing a lawsuit:
At 11 a.m. Eastern time today, 43 Catholic dioceses and organizations — including Our Sunday Visitor and the University of Notre Dame — filed religious liberty lawsuits against the federal government in a dozen different jurisdictions around the country.

At issue are regulations that require Catholic organizations, employers and insurers to provide or facilitate abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization and contraception — in violation of their consciences.

Equally troubling is the extreme narrowness of the government’s new test for determining which religious organizations are exempt from this mandate — which would appear to exclude Catholic schools, health care facilities, charities and others like Our Sunday Visitor.
It may all be moot if the Court strikes down the entire law, but if it doesn't, this case will go forward.

In 2009 Obama was the commencement speaker at Notre Dame. I wonder if this makes them the first school to sue a former commencement speaker?

Now, if they would just do something about politicians and celebrities who claim to be Catholic while at the same time supporting abortion...

1 comment:

Larry said...

The Catholic Church is still infested with liberals -and I'm not just talking about Pelosi, Biden, Sebelius, Stupak and the Kennedys. Up until a couple years ago, there were those within funneling money collected at Sunday masses to ACORN through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).

Jeremiah Wright's right-hand man, Father Pfleger, is STILL a Catholic priest.

This lawsuit might be nothing more than a response to the regular parishioners who might leave their checkbooks at home on Sunday.