HolyCoast: Ron Paul Supporters Still Have a Tantrum or Two Left In Them
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Monday, May 14, 2012

Ron Paul Supporters Still Have a Tantrum or Two Left In Them

The Paul Bearers just won't quit.  A couple of stories:
Mitt Romney supporters supporter finally showing energy and excitement -- TheDC's Jeff Poor reports on the lively ongoings of an Oklahoma Republican state convention:

"Throughout the GOP presidential primary, presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney and Texas Rep. Ron Paul, who remains in the race for the White House, seemed to have some sort of unspoken truce. This led to speculation that the libertarian-leaning Republican would ultimately play nice with Romney in order to grow his voice within the Republican Party. But as Oklahoma City NBC affiliate KFOR’s La'Tasha Givens reported on Saturday, Paul and Romney may have some work to do at the grassroots level. 'It was an eventful day at the Republican state convention,' she said. 'And most of the discourse lasted throughout the evening. We’re told the police had to get involved when a 70-year-old Mitt Romney supporter punched a Ron Paul supporter in the head after they disagreed on the vote.'"

Kids, please do not interpret this as supporting violence. TheDC Morning strongly adheres to the motto: Hugs not Thugs. We have a zero tolerance rule on thuggery and a zero intolerance rule on hugging.
And this:
Supporters of Ron Paul booed presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s son off the stage Saturday at the Arizona Republican Party convention, as he sought to solidify support for his father’s nomination…

Josh Romney [above] had to stop repeatedly as people booed and yelled for Paul, who has continued campaigning in the Republican primary.
There is no path to victory for Ron Paul. None. It's time to give it up. The ancient physician isn't going to be President of the United States. Acting boorish at state party events will not convert people to their cause. Please, grow up.

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