HolyCoast: Obama: Ignore the Last Four Years, It's 2008 Again!
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Monday, June 18, 2012

Obama: Ignore the Last Four Years, It's 2008 Again!

They've got nothing.  We saw in Obama's failure of an economic speech that he has no new ideas, is still running against the same bogeymen as 2008, and wants us all to believe that what he didn't get done in the first four years he can finish in the 2nd.  Even some journalists are becoming suspicious that the emperor has no clothes:
In what could be considered to be a random act journalism on Sunday, CNN “State of the Union” host Candy Crowley forced Obama senior campaign adviser to admit that the Obama campaign is lacking a “big idea” and will run on achieving the same goals set forth in the president’s first term’s agenda.

“The president laid out this week in a very important speech in Ohio the choice facing the country about the right things to do to grow the economy and strengthen the middle-class,” Plouffe said. “And we have a lot more work to do.”

Crowley challenged Plouffe’s statement that “we have a lot more work to do” as an economic campaign message.

“The point is, what direction is the country going the take?” he replied. “I think that we would all openly admit the economy has to strengthen, we have to create a lot more jobs. And question is — what is the best way to do it? Our approach is, let’s reduce the deficit in a fair and balanced way. Let’s have an economy where hard work is rewarded and everybody gets a fair shot. And as we reduce the deficit, we have the ability to invest in things like rebuilding this country, a new energy future, make sure we continue to lead the world in innovation. But the important thing is that there is a choice here. Gov. Romney and his allies in Congress, they want to go back to the same policies that created the recession. We know that won’t work. And so really the American people have to decide which direction they want to go.”

Crowley said that response lacked a “big idea,” but Plouffe stuck to his “we have some work to do” theme.
I'm not sure if Crowley's skepticism comes from an actual act of journalism or just frustration that their chosen one is failing so badly. There's little doubt that the media wants Obama to win and they're feeling the same angst we felt as we saw the McCain campaign fall apart in 2008.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

Plouffe said, "Our approach is, let’s reduce the deficit in a fair and balanced way. Let’s have an economy where hard work is rewarded and everybody gets a fair shot."

Say what????? There's been no reduction, nor any attempt at reduction by The Won and his gang of #2s. I will grant that Plouffe could be deluded enough to believe that, but my guess says he knows it's a lie.