HolyCoast: French Fried
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

French Fried

Hugh Hewitt has the following note regarding Jacques Chirac and his poor loser attitude since the US disregarded his advice and re-elected President Bush:
Jacques Chirac waited a week to call President Bush with his congratulations, the last among major world leaders and "allies" to do so. Now he has begun to belittle Tony Blair while expounding on the deficiencies of America as an ally (and taking a shot at Donald Rumsfeld.) Chirac clearly hates being the head of a third-rate power, and Bush's sweeping electoral success must rankle. Too bad no one asked him how France is faring in the Ivory Coast.

The "new Europe"/"old Europe" distinction scored, obviously. Since Chirac violated the "never let them see you bleed" rule, I hope a "senior American official" finds the time to talk at length about new Europe's openness to the redeployment of American forces from old Europe.

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