HolyCoast: Ferrari Owner Has Crashed Before
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Friday, February 24, 2006

Ferrari Owner Has Crashed Before

There was a very unusual accident in L.A. the other day when a $1 million dollar Ferrari Enzo was cut in half after crashing into a power pole at over 100 mph. It turns out the driver has "crashed" before:
Stefan Eriksson had hoped that millions of video gamers would experience the thrill of street racing on a hand-held device he helped develop. But then Eriksson's $1-million Ferrari was totaled, an accident that gamers around the world may see as a cruel metaphor for the collapse of the portable console company.

Eriksson was a top executive for Gizmondo, a European video game system maker that two years ago garnered international headlines by challenging Sony and Nintendo with its own PSP-like device.


The company's name is now a synonym for hubris in the game world, which was enrapt Wednesday with the news that Eriksson's lavish Italian sports car had been wrecked.

"The Gizmondo was bad enough but now this?" wrote one reader on the electronic game website gamespot.com.

"And you wonder why they went bankrupt," another gamer wrote.

The driver's story has some big holes in it (he claimed some unknown German guy was driving and he was just a passenger), so he's still got some explaining to do to the local cops. According to others, he was racing a Mercedes at the time of the accident.

Sounds to me like that car was overcompensation for some other shortcoming.

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