HolyCoast: Al-Jazeera Endorses Democrats
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Al-Jazeera Endorses Democrats

Captain Ed points us to an editorial on the network of terrorists, Al-Jazeera, which gives a ringing endorsement of Democrat Bob Casey, running for Congress in Pennsylvania. Al-J didn't like some recent remarks from Senator Rick Santorum and has decided to endorse the Dem candidate:

Sen. Rick Santorum (R., Pa.) remarks at the National Press Club on Wednesday July 19th 2006 calling for regime change in Iran and described "Islamic fascism" as the "great test" of this generation, as threatening to the United States as last century's German Nazism and Soviet communism was inappropriate. These prejudicial remarks were derogatory, and highly unbecoming for a member of US senate. The Senator rhetoric in a public forum demeans both himself and the party he represents, particularly at a time when entire Middle East is in turmoil. Muslim of Lehigh Valley strongly condemned Senator remarks outrageous, inflammatory and un-American. ...

By associating the words "Fascism" with the Islam is to instill fear and by not acknowledging that a political agenda is not the same thing as a belief system, Senator Santorum invoked the oldest and the strongest kind of human fear -- fear of the unknown. Zionist and the pro-Israel lobby continue to instill fear in Americans by escalating unsubstantiated threats against them and fabricating a vast web of lies to justify their actions against Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. By instilling fear of orange and red alerts we Americans have witnessed increased government intrusion into our daily lives and the erosion of our basic rights and freedoms.

Don’t ask Santorum to “apologize,” folks. Vote Democratic.

Democrats, a new direction for America and a party even Islamic terrorists can love.

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