HolyCoast: Hezbo Surprised by Israeli Response
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hezbo Surprised by Israeli Response

The Israeli/Hezbo war in Lebanon has been called an "accidental war" by some who didn't expect the strong Israeli reaction. One of those just might be Hezbo head honcho Hassan Nasrallah (from Special Report):

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah says he told Lebanese officials that the only way to win the release of prisoners in Israeli jails was to abduct Israeli soldiers — days before Hezbollah captured two IDF troops.

The Middle East Media Research Institute reports Nasrallah told Al Jazeera last week, "I said that we would abduct Israeli soldiers in meetings with some of the main political leaders in the country," adding that those leaders supported the plan when he guaranteed it would hasten the prisoners' release.

Nasrallah says he was surprised the tactic backfired, saying he never expected Israel to launch a war over just two soldiers.

Nazrallah's reaction is a vivid demonstration of the difference between a culture of life and a culture of death.

This post at LGF regarding another Hezbo honcho shows the fallacy of trying to negotiate with terrorists. When you do, it shows them weakness which they feel they can exploit again and again. This time the Israelis had had enough and came out firing (literally) with both barrels. Should there still be a Hezbo when this is all over, I'm thinking they won't be quite so cavalier in how they operate (and of course this has served as a warning to other groups who may be planning to get on Israel's bad side).

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