HolyCoast: More Violent Peace Protesters
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Saturday, July 29, 2006

More Violent Peace Protesters

Some "peace" protesters reverted to their violent roots in Australia:
VIOLENT scuffles have broken out between police and Lebanese protesters who mobbed Prime Minister John Howard’s car as he left the WA Liberal Party conference in Perth.

Mr Howard was leaving the WA Liberal Party state conference when about 200 protesters, many of whom were waving Lebanese flags and shouting "we want peace”, mobbed his vehicle.

Protesters punched, kicked and threw projectiles at Mr Howard’s car as police struggled to keep them at bay.

Mr Howard’s entourage sped from the scene as police wrestled protesters to the ground.

The image of people screaming "we want peace" as they "punched, kicked and threw projectiles" is almost funny. Apparently the concept of irony is completely lost on them.

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