HolyCoast: Teddy *Hiccup* Kennedy Assaults Roberts and Alito
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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Teddy *Hiccup* Kennedy Assaults Roberts and Alito

In a curious op-ed in the Washington Post, Teddy *Hiccup* Kennedy blasts Supreme Court Justices John Roberts and Sam Alito and implies through his meandering reasoning that both men lied about their views to the Senate Judiciary Committee. I'm not going to bother quoting any of it - you can read it for yourself.

The timing of this article is equally curious. The Supreme Court is not in session, so any hopes to influence pending cases are far-fetched at best. Roberts and Alito have lifetime appointments, so any badgering from Kennedy cannot influence the course of their careers. Is he attempting to save the hides of other Dems who voted to confirm these two judges by implying that they are as stupid as he is and were easily duped by these two slick nominees? No telling.

What I'm wondering is if Kennedy knows something about a future court opening that the rest of us don't know yet. Could one of the court liberals be getting ready to retire and thus open up a new nominee fight? Is Kennedy positioning himself and his fellow Dems to make a no-holds-barred stand against whoever Bush would nominate based on the perceived faults of Roberts and Alito? I don't know, but there certainly doesn't seem to be any other logical reason for the timing and content of this piece.

Of course logic and reason are not exactly synonymous with Teddy *Hiccup* Kennedy, so maybe he just came off a bender or something and decided to get his name in the papers once again.

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