HolyCoast: Do I Really Need to Know All This Stuff...Now?
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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Do I Really Need to Know All This Stuff...Now?

The campaign for governor in California promises to be a real slugfest with both sides already running TV and radio ads. In addition, the Republicans and the Re-Elect Arnold Campaign are going hog wild with email messages to their targeted audience. Being a blogger who does a lot of politics, I’m getting as many as 10 or more emails EVERY DAY from someone either trying to tell me how great Arnold is, or how bad Dem Phil Angelides is.

While I agree with the underlying premise, I think the campaign is doing themselves a disservice by sending out all this stuff, every day, so early in the campaign. Flooding the zone is probably a good idea in the latter stages of the campaign, but at this point I’ve simply stopped reading them and now direct most of it to my spam folder. Maybe when we get to the Fall and the campaign really heats up I’ll start paying more attention.

Advice to the campaign: Rather then sending me email everytime Arnold or Phil sneezes, how about saving some of that energy and effort for later on when I’m more likely to read and write about your messages. Right now you’re boring me.

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