HolyCoast: God's Gift to Bloggers
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Friday, August 10, 2007

God's Gift to Bloggers

Just when you thought it was safe to turn on the TV, here comes Mama Moonbat once again:
Citing her son as inspiration, a tearful Cindy Sheehan announced her candidacy Thursday for the U.S. House of Representatives.

The anti-war activist is running as an independent against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has represented San Francisco in Congress since 1987.

"The country is ripe for a change," said Sheehan, who spoke at a podium with her son's photograph attached to it. "It's going to start right here and right now."

Sheehan's 24-year-old son, Casey, was killed in Iraq in 2004. Since then, she has gained international notoriety by setting up camp outside President Bush's Texas ranch and demanding to meet with the president.

Last month, she announced her intention to run against Pelosi if the speaker didn't move to impeach Bush by July 23. On Thursday, she said Pelosi had "protected the status quo" of the corporate elite and had lost touch with people in her district, most of whom, she said, want American troops out of Iraq.
Her press conference was a glittering jewel of constitutional ignorance. She insisted that the constitution demands that presidents be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors without actually stating what high crimes and misdemeanors Bush and Cheney had committed. Failing to meet the demands of the wacky left doesn't constitute either a high crime or misdemeanor.

Sheehan hasn't got a chance. Pelosi will crush her like a bug. There's no way that San Francisco district is going to toss out the Speaker of the House in exchange for a confused housewife.

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