HolyCoast: Bill Clinton Plans Black Church Groveling Tour
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Saturday, February 02, 2008

Bill Clinton Plans Black Church Groveling Tour

I posted earlier in the week wondering if Democrats knew there were also predominantly white churches in the country too? Bill Clinton hasn't figured that out yet, and is planning a group grovel at a bunch of black churches in Los Angeles this weekend:

(CNN) – Two prominent African-American politicians plan to join former President Bill Clinton on a tour of black churches this Sunday in Los Angeles. Sources say one of the officials has described it as Clinton’s “mea culpa tour” to the black community.

“They need to go touch the people like they did before. The bickering they got in in South Carolina must be put aside,” says one of the officials, who plans to join the former president on Sunday.

“Bill is going to have to come back among those who loved him and he did so much for. He is going to have to do it – I can’t do it for him – and face the voters,” the source continued, adding that once he does, “it’ll put him back in the comfort zone, and I think you’ll see [Hillary Clinton’s] numbers go up.”

I doubt if this is going to work. I think the damage Clinton did in South Carolina won't be undone by a few token church visits. Besides that, he's likely to say something stupid about Obama that will keep him in hot water with much of the black community.

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