HolyCoast: McCain Thinks It Will Be Over on Tuesday
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Saturday, February 02, 2008

McCain Thinks It Will Be Over on Tuesday

John McCain is feeling pretty confident about Super Tuesday:
(CNN) – Republican John McCain said Friday that Super Tuesday could mark the finish line of his party’s presidential race this year.

“Do I think the race will be over on Tuesday? Not often do I ask for divine intercession, but I have asked for that. Yes,” he told reporters on a campaign flight to Chicago. Republicans in 21 states will weigh in on Super Tuesday, February 5.

“From what we see in the polls, there is a very good chance it could be over on Tuesday,” said the Arizona senator, adding: “The sooner we get that done, the sooner I can go to work on uniting the party."

Despite his complicated history with the party’s base, he said, pragmatic Republicans will back him when faced with the Democratic alternative.
Don't be so sure, John. If Barack "The Poem" Obama is the nominee, I wouldn't be surprised to see moderate Republicans cross the aisle. With many conservatives sitting it out, there won't be that many Republicans left to vote for him.

McCain has been calling himself a "true conservative". Judge for yourself:

And they don't even mention McCain-Feingold in which he tried to kill political speech, or McCain-Lieberman, his global warming monstronsity.

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