HolyCoast: The Obama "Nazi" Mailer
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Friday, February 01, 2008

The Obama "Nazi" Mailer

It may not have looked tense at the Dem debate last night, but behind the scenes there's plenty of anger between the camps. Just look at how a simple mailer set off one Clinton supporter:
The Clinton campaign convened a conference call with health policy experts to denounce Obama's new mailer, which attacks Clinton's plan for "forcing" Americans to sign up for insurance, and which features a couple at a kitchen table that recalls, for some, the famous insurance-industry-financed "Harry and Louise" ads against the original Clinton plan.

"I am personally outraged at the picture used in this mailing," said Len Nichols of the New America Foundation, a leading supporter of mandatory insurance, who called it a "Harry and Louise evocation."

"It is as outrageous as having Nazis march through Skokie, Ill.," Nichols said. "I just find it disgusting that this kind of imagery is being used to attack the only way to get to universal coverage."

[UPDATE: At the end of the call, Clinton aide Howard Wolfson disavowed the Nazi reference, saying the campaign didn't think it was appropriate, though he acknowledged the passions the issue stirs.]

Clinton adviser Neera Tanden called the mailer "politically dangerous."
So, let's try to understand this. A photo of a couple at a kitchen table is just like Nazis marching through Skokie, IL. Just how out of touch with American values are these people, anyway?

It's clear the Hill and her stormtroopers have a great deal invested in getting her mandatory health plan in place. In the 90's she deemed it beyond criticism by holding secret meetings and not releasing details until they had been finalized. It's obvious that they still hold their precious plan sacrosanct and woe be unto Obama for challenging it.

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