HolyCoast: Another Good Reason to Oppose Joe Lieberman for VP
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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another Good Reason to Oppose Joe Lieberman for VP

Harry Reid may make one of the best arguments yet why John McCain should not choose Joe Lieberman as his VP:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., defended Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman on Wednesday after the former Democratic vice presidential nominee accepted a speaking slot at next month's Republican convention in Minnesota.

"He has a close personal relationship with John McCain. I don't fully understand why he does," said Reid, who said Lieberman called Tuesday from the Republic of Georgia to alert him to the move.

"I told him last night, 'You know, Joe, I can't stand John McCain.' He said, 'I know you feel that way,' " Reid said.

But Reid said he would continue to resist calls from the Democratic Party's base to strip Lieberman, now an independent, of his Senate positions for his disloyalty.

"All my close votes, he's always with me, whether it's the budget or energy issues," Reid said. "No matter what it is, he's always with us. He just does not vote right on Iraq. ... Why would I want to throw away a good vote?"

Lieberman's a nice guy, and I wouldn't object to his appointment as Secretary of Defense or Secretary of State, but not VP.

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