HolyCoast: 2,000 Years at a Million Dollars a Day
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Friday, February 20, 2009

2,000 Years at a Million Dollars a Day

A conservative group is using a timeline that most people can relate to to show just how much money $787 billion really is:
WASHINGTON (CNN) – A conservative organization launched a national television ad Friday criticizing the $787 billion stimulus bill, and called into question one of President Obama’s main campaign promises to bring change to Washington.
The American Issues Project uses points of historical reference to show how $787 billion could stretch over time from the birth of Jesus to the current day.

“Suppose you spent one million every single day starting from the day Jesus was born and kept spending through today,” an announcer says as images of the three wise men, the Roman Coliseum, the Mona Lisa and other historic landmarks flash across the screen. A million dollars a day for more than 2,000 years. You would still have spent less money than Congress just did.”

The ad also criticizes millions of dollars in earmarks in the legislation, saying that money was allocated for golf carts, fish hatcheries and remodeled federal offices. The ad also shows a video snippet of Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, on the Senate floor saying the American people don’t care about “little tiny, yes, porky amendments.”

It closes by asking, “Is this change you can believe in?”
The title of the CNN article is "Anti-stimulus ad uses Jesus", which I guess it techically true but a little bit exaggerated as far as Jesus' participation in this ad goes. It's not as though they said "What Would Jesus Spend" or "A Million Bucks a Day Since the Real Messiah" (that would have been my title).

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