HolyCoast: Prop 1A Plummeting in Polls
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Friday, May 08, 2009

Prop 1A Plummeting in Polls

There's a full-court press underway to promote the five ballot propositions on the upcoming California ballot, but it appears the voters are in no mood to cut the legislature and the governor more slack:
As the Legislature’s nonpartisan fiscal adviser warned Thursday of a looming cash crisis that will become more severe if the special election ballot measures are defeated, a new poll shows voter sentiment against the measures is strong and rising.

A survey of 1,080 likely voters by the Public Policy Institute of California shows all five fiscal-related measures trailing less than two weeks before the May 19 special election, with the negative sentiment highest among those who say they are most motivated to vote.

“The voters who are tuned in are really turned off,” said pollster Mark Baldassare. ...

It shows likely voters are opposed to Proposition 1A 52 percent to 35 percent, against 1C 58 percent to 32 percent, leaning against 1D 45 percent to 43 percent, and opposed to 1E 48 percent to 42 percent.

As you can see by the following item, this will just steepen the state's slide in to financial collapse.
Maybe we've finally get some sanity restored to Sacramento.

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