HolyCoast: Not Feeling Gay About Obama
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Thursday, June 04, 2009

Not Feeling Gay About Obama

"Gay" used to mean happy, but the folks who now call themselves gay are anything but happy with Obama:
President Barack Obama’s promises of change are falling short for one core Democratic constituency: gays and lesbians, whose leaders say Obama’s administration isn’t keeping up with the times.

Gay rights campaigners, most of them Democrats who supported Obama in November, have begun to voice their public frustration with Obama’s inaction, small jokes at their community’s expense and deafening silence on what they see as the signal civil rights issue of this era.

His most important campaign promises repealing the Defense of Marriage Act and the military ban on openly gay and lesbian service-members have not been fulfilled.
And the news, which emerged quietly earlier this year, that he’d supported same-sex marriage back in 1996, then changed his mind, especially rankles. As mainstream Democratic politicians such as Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) move to support same-sex marriage, gay rights advocates say that the barrier-breaking president looks increasingly odd for opposing what they see as full equality.

“Obama is out of step with his party, which is overwhelmingly in favor of marriage at this stage,” said David Mixner, a veteran gay rights activist who is among the organizers of a march on Washington for same-sex marriage scheduled for this fall. “He’s out of step with the next generation.”
The reality is Obama doesn't need to worry about the gay vote to do whatever he wants to do because he knows the gay vote isn't going anywhere. Despite all their complaints I have yet to hear a gay activist threaten to abandon the Dem party.

Supporting gay "rights" has more downside potential for Obama than just ignoring it.

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