HolyCoast: Socialist Paradise Headline of the Day
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Saturday, August 08, 2009

Socialist Paradise Headline of the Day

From Hot Air:
The island paradise of Cuba where socialized medicine is celebrated by the American Left has run out of toilet paper.
Well, they grow a lot of cigar tobacco down there and those leaves are pretty big...


Bob Hughes said...

You know, catheters and colostomy bags are already covered by Medicare - http://www.homecaredelivered.com/MedicarePatients/productBrowse/mp_browse_products.php

If we get Obamacare, we may never need to buy toilet paper again!

LewArcher said...

There's an old joke that goes basically like this:
A General and two majors are out golfing.
One major asks what do you do if you got to take a dump.
The general responded well, I take out a dollar and wipe myself.

So the major, who has to go, darts off to the brush.
The other two hear all this rustling and cursing and wonder what's happening.
The major emerges from the brush, smeared with feces.
The two ask, what happened, didn't the dollar work.
The major responds you ever try wiping yourself with 3 quarters, two dimes and a nickel?