HolyCoast: Charlie Sheen Wants Obama to Hold a Truther Meeting
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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Charlie Sheen Wants Obama to Hold a Truther Meeting

Charlie must have been on a bender this past weekend when Trutherism helped show Van Jones the White House door, because now he wants a meeting with Obama to urge him to go Truther too (from Top of the Ticket):
Normally, when an A-/B+ celebrity issues some political pronouncement at the start of a new television season or just before a movie release, people might suspect it has something to do with publicity.

A lot of rich, pretty people speak out on causes they support at times like that and the world goes, So what?

But when someone with the gravitas of a Charlie Sheen issues a statement, anyone is forced to listen.

In an exclusive contact with the PrisonPlanet.com website, Sheen reveals 1) that he voted for Barack Obama in November and 2) that he [Sheen] has become convinced that the 9/11 attacks were an inside government job perpetrated by people inside government for inside and no doubt nefarious reasons.

The idea being that Osama bin Laden and his posse were (maybe still are?) really working for the U.S. government to help justify faraway wars. (This might also explain why the U.S. government has "so far" been "unable" to capture or kill ObL.)

Sheen apparently figures that if Obama can waste all that time talking to American schoolchildrenwho can't even vote or pay $2,500 for a Democratic fundraiser yet, the president who garnered so many millions from Hollywood people ought to make time to talk with one of them. Or at least read their letter.

Just in case he doesn't get the Oval Office confab, Sheen has published the fictional transcript of a hypothetical 20-minute conversation with Obama in which the actor instructs the president on the ins and outs of the conspiracy and presents irrefutable evidence on "that bottomless warren of unanswered questions surrounding that day and its aftermath."

As the self-professed agent of change to believe in, Obama, Sheen reasons, should be burrowing into this obvious conspiracy to uncover the truth, unlike previous administrations.

It never occurs to these Truther types that it would take a conspiracy involving thousands of people remaining silent for eight years for their theory to have even a chance of truth. Have you ever known any big story to remain hidden by that many people for that long?

While he's at it maybe he can solve the whole "UFO at Roswell" story too.


Unknown said...

Anyone who believes in giant government conspiracies has never worked for the government. (or know anyone who has)

Anonymous said...

Anyone who believes fire brought down 3 buildings in their own footprints on 9/11 needs to do some research into the matter instead of just bashing and name calling.

In the history of steel and concrete construction, only 3 buildings have succumbed to failure due to heat. All 3 of those just happened to fall on 9/11. None before and none since, although buildings of the same size or larger have been completely engulfed in flames for longer periods of time.

If you believe Jet fuel can demolish a building with the precision of a demolition team, I submit to you that you are 100% incorrect and urge you to look at the evidence and scientific facts.

Also, 7 of 8 airline black-boxes were destroyed that day, yet we are supposed to believe the passport of Satam Al Suqami flew out of his pocket, through the fire, and landed intact in the streets below in plain sight for someone to find?

These are only two inconsistencies out of hundreds that bother me to this day. Are people naive enough, or simply too engrossed in the trivial day to day routines, to actually believe every single thing that comes out of the mouths of people with authority?

The day people stop questioning their appointed rulers is the day they will wake up in a dictatorship.

Rick Moore said...

I knew that post would shake some Truther out of the tree... heh.

Unknown said...

Charlie sheen can voice the opinion on behalf of his / hookers and fellow drug users. Too much coke left in his system . What credability and gravis he adds !

Nightingale said...

"The day people stop questioning their appointed rulers is the day they will wake up in a dictatorship."

Now that part I agree with, only problem is the current ruler is not being questioned by the MSM.

As for the buildings that fell on 9-11; when was the last time we saw a jumbo jet loaded with fuel flew into a skyscraper?? Short answer: never. That's why we've never seen what that kind of catastrophic damage can do to a building before, and I hope we will never see it again.

PBS showed a documentary on how those buildings fell. I suppose flaming liberal PBS is part of the conspiracy?

Anonymous said...

If you believe Jet fuel can demolish a building with the precision of a demolition team, I submit to you that you are 100% incorrect and urge you to look at the evidence and scientific facts.



Anonymous said...

"Now that part I agree with, only problem is the current ruler is not being questioned by the MSM."

The questions Sheen presented should have been asked 8 years ago.

nader paul kucinich gravel said...
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