HolyCoast: More Americans Identify With Tea Party Groups Than Identify With Obama
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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

More Americans Identify With Tea Party Groups Than Identify With Obama

Not that surprising:
Tea Partiers have been dismissed as a fringe, but two new polls suggest the conservative movement might be going mainstream.

A Rasmussen poll released Monday found more Americans identify with the Tea Party groups than with President Obama.

According to the survey, 48 percent of voters said the average Tea Party activist is more aligned with their views on major issues than the president. Forty-four percent said Obama's views are closer to theirs.

That came on top of a USA Today/Gallup poll that found more than a quarter of Americans affiliate themselves with the Tea Party movement.

The poll of 1,033 adults, conducted March 26-28, found 28 percent of people call themselves Tea Party supporters, while 26 percent call themselves opponents.

The survey also found that Tea Party supporters are not disproportionately dominated by any one demographic group. The characteristics of Tea Party supporters -- in age, education, income and race -- roughly follow the characteristics of the nation as a whole.

After all, how many Americans can identify with a guy who was born in Hawaii, grew up in Indonesia, and whose wife tells everyone that Kenya is his home country?


Sam L. said...

"Tea Partiers have been dismissed as a fringe, but two new polls suggest the conservative movement might be going mainstream."

Not "going" mainstream, but now being recognize "as" mainstream.

Ann's New Friend said...

Now the Obamas are being Do Gooders to the Kenyans, telling them what not to feel embarrassed about. Now the unfortunatepeople of Kenya have to put up with Hope&Change.

Don't blame me, Kenya, I voted for McCain.

This is like an updated version of "The Gods Must Be Crazy," but that was just a Coke bottle. Michelle Obama is umteen times more unsettling!