HolyCoast: Detroit's a Lost Cause
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Sunday, May 09, 2010

Detroit's a Lost Cause

I visited Detroit last summer and found a city in advanced decay.  And it's clearly not just a problem with old buildings, but a problem with the character of the people:
Less than a day after it opened, the Mexicantown Bagley Avenue Pedestrian Bridge was vandalized, Michigan Department of Transportation officials said.

Numerous individuals have "tagged" the $5 million bridge with spray paint and used knives to carve into a wooden bench in the middle of the span. Others signed their names with pens and magic markers on the bench, officials said.

In fact, an MDOT employee's video camera caught one woman as she used a colored pen to scrawl on a bench in the middle of the 400-foot-long bridge.

"Yes, it was me," said Oneita Jackson, a copy editor at the Detroit Free Press and author of Sunday's "O Street" blog.

"I did it. If you see a person with a green pen ... dressed in black slacks and a red top, that's me. I was excited about the event and wanted to put my name on it."

Jackson eventually put away the marker and said "Oh, I guess I shouldn't be doing this," the tape showed. As a blogger, she has written about her efforts as a mom to raise her 16-year-old son and encourage citizens to be more patient and civil.
We need to stop throwing money at that city. Build a wall around it and let them savage each other and their property where they can't affect the rest of the country.


Harry said...

When I last visited Detroit I thought I was in a Zoo, never needed to return there again.

MRedd said...

This just makes me sick. I was born in Detroit and grew up in a northern suburb. It started going downhill with Coleman Young and the building power of labor unions and continues its decline. Back in the day it was vibrant, dynamic, and source of good inspiration. Now there is corruption in all the wrong places, no investment base, and steadily growing dependant class who either cannot or will not change leaders to learn a new life. It's pathetic and sad and it makes me sick.