HolyCoast: Is She or Isn't She
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Is She or Isn't She


Top White House officials bristled Monday when asked whether they think Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan’s sexuality will become an issue in her confirmation hearings.

“It’s not anything I’m going to get into,” said White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, speaking to reporters in his West Wing office.
Gibbs was asked a handful of times about rumors that Kagan is gay, and gave terse responses each time.
Asked why the White House pushed back so aggressively when CBS News published a piece on its website (CBS appears to have pulled the piece) that said Kagan, if confirmed, would be the country’s “first openly gay justice,” Gibbs said it was not an issue to the president.
“We are going to defend the nominee that the president has chosen,” Gibbs said when asked if he thinks the rumors will be brought up during the confirmation process.
When asked what the White House was defending Kagan from, Gibbs said: “That’s just a broad answer.”
“I’m just not going to get into somebody who is doing what that person was doing on CBS’s website. This is about who she is going to be as a justice,” Gibbs said
Personally, it doesn't matter to me, but to a lot of people on the left it's a real concern. If she's gay they want her to come right out and say it. The idea that she might be gay but won't admit it really bugs them. That's one of the reasons there are those on the left that don't want to confirm her.


Robert Fanning said...

Nowhere in the constitution or in requirements for Supreme Court justices can one find sexual preference! I am appalled that those who wish to derail Ms Kagan's nomination would sink so low in search of ammunition. There appears to be little on record to denigrate. To fight nomination on flimsy evidence casts criticism upon the opponent more than the nominee!

Sam L. said...

It's SO COOOOOLLLLLL that the lefties are so concerned.