HolyCoast: It's Kagen
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Sunday, May 09, 2010

It's Kagen

From NBC News:
President Barack Obama will nominate U.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan to serve as an associate justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, NBC News’ Pete Williams reported late Sunday night.

Kagan, 50, served as the Dean of Harvard Law School from 2003 to 2009. Obama nominated her to serve in her current post as solicitor general early in 2009, and she won Senate confirmation by a vote of 61-31. She is the first woman to serve as solicitor general of the United States.
She's a big of a crapshoot for both the right and the left. In fact, she's getting more heat from the left right now than from conservatives. They're afraid she won't be far enough to the left to satisfy them. After all, she'll be replacing one of the most liberal judges on the court.

Let's watch the reaction from the left before we get too excited about all this.

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