HolyCoast: Poizner Closes to Within 2
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Monday, May 10, 2010

Poizner Closes to Within 2

On Saturday I attended the Orange County kick-off for Steve Poizer's campaign for Governor of California. It was somewhat underwhelming given that only about 100 people attended, but the candidate was impressive and he's apparently getting the attention of California Republicans (from Political Wire):
A new SurveyUSA poll in California shows Meg Whitman's (R) once formidable lead in the Republican race for governor collapsing. 

Whitman now leads Steve Poizner (R) by just two points, 39% to 37%.

Less than three weeks ago, Whitman's lead in a similar poll was 22 points.

Almost no one believed a memo put out by Poizner's pollster last week that showed Whitman's lead at just 10 points, 38% to 28%.
Meg Whitman has spent something like $50 million bashing Poizner every which way from Sunday, but her efforts don't seem to be paying off. Back when Poizner wasn't fighting back she had her way with him, but now that he's fully in the game (and he said Saturday that his plan had been to wait until the voters were paying attention - hence the late kick-off) she's dropping like a stone.

I think the attack which is having the greatest effect is the comparison between Whitman and Gov. Schwarzenneger.  California voters don't care much for Ahnold these days and if there's the slightest chance that she could be another Governator, that's just not gonna fly in California.  I think there's a genuine concern among conservatives that she isn't one of them and once in power will be played by the left and won't be able to govern the state the way she could run eBay.  She also has no elected office experience.

Poizner is currently the Insurance Commissioner and has some baggage of his own to deal with.  The most potent attack on him has involved Prop 13, the sacred ballot proposition that has saved the homes of millions of Californians who might have been taxed out of their houses.  Poizner stated unequivocal support for Prop 13 and the 2/3 voting requirement to raise taxes when I saw him on Saturday.  He'll have to be able to convince older voters that he really means it.  People on fixed incomes are the most vulnerable to higher property taxes.

It looks like the race is finally underway in earnest.


Goofy Dick said...

It gets pretty scarry when someone who has the funds tries to BUY a political office, and that is exactly what Meg is doing. She has a lot of baggage of her own.
I think when it comes down to the vote, Poizner will be the one to have the office.

Laura said...

I'm not thrilled with either candidate, but am most concerned about the Whitman-Arnold comparison. More Arnold is something CA doesn't need and can't afford.

Best wishes,