HolyCoast: Political Cartoon of the Day
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Monday, May 10, 2010

Political Cartoon of the Day

Seen on Facebook:
I saw the future of Greece and other socialist countries just last night. My wife and I went to Dairy Queen and sat next to a young family with a boy, probably age one or so, in a stroller. The family was sharing their ice cream with him, something he was pretty insistent about. The longer the wait for the next spoonful the more agitated he'd get.

Suddenly, the ice cream supply gave out. There was no more, and the kid went into a full angry rage. How could this happen? How could there be an end to the ice cream?

I mentioned this was Greece's future, but it's really their present. They country is in a full screaming rage that the government "ice cream" has run out.  Their emotional maturity level pretty much matches the one-year old at Dairy Queen.  That rage will spread to other socialist countries as their "ice cream" runs out too.

And our day is coming.

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