HolyCoast: The Day The Unicorns Died
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Day The Unicorns Died

Based on yesterday's town hall meeting with Obama, the last unicorn from the days of hope, change, rainbows and unicorns has flown to Valhalla:
It was billed as “Investing in America,” a live televised conversation on the state of the economy between President Obama and American workers, students, business people and retirees, a kind of Wall Street to Main Street reality check.

But it sounded like a therapy session for disillusioned Obama supporters.

In question after question during a one-hour session, which took place on Monday at the Newseum here and was televised on CNBC, Mr. Obama was confronted by people who sounded frustrated and anxious — even as some said they supported his agenda and proclaimed themselves honored to be in his presence.

People from Main Street wanted to know if the American dream still lived for them. People on Wall Street complained that he was treating them like a piƱata, “whacking us with a stick,” in the words of Anthony Scaramucci, a former law school classmate of Mr. Obama’s who now runs a hedge fund and was one of the president’s questioners.
Don't forget, these events are carefully screened, so if this is the best his handlers could do, you might not see Obama doing many town halls again anytime soon.  The days of fainting and screaming for Obama are over.  Now they're just screaming at, and not for, the prez.

Bill Clinton thinks voters need to give the Democrats 2 more years:
Bill Clinton had some advice for President Obama and the Democrats: Tell voters "It's okay to be mad."

The former president can relate to Obama’s situation -- but Clinton said the president needs to tell November voters to make their choice on who is more likely to get things done and ask the American people to give the Democrats another term.

"[Tell them] ‘Give us two more years. Don't go back to the policies that dug the hole…If we don't do better, you can vote against us all, and I'll be on the ballot, too. Vote against us all if it's not better,’” Clinton said.
Nah, we're not falling for that one again.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I was yelling at the TV this morning when he said that! I can see November from my window!