HolyCoast: Democrats Willing to Hold Military Pay Hostage to Gay and Illegal Immigrants "Rights"
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Democrats Willing to Hold Military Pay Hostage to Gay and Illegal Immigrants "Rights"

The Defense Authorization Act is scheduled for action in the Senate, but because the Democrats had laden the bill with liberal amendments, it may not go anywhere:
The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said the defense authorization bill may not win approval this year if it does not pass a key procedural hurdle on Tuesday.

Sen. Carl Levin (Mich.), the leading Democrat on military affairs, on Monday warned that failure to secure enough votes on Tuesday’s motion to proceed would be “a real setback” for the 2011 defense authorization bill. [..]

Democrats need 60 votes to proceed to the bill, but the outcome is in doubt because the legislation includes language repealing the ban on openly gay men and women serving in the military.

Democratic leaders also plan to include an immigration-related provision known as the DREAM Act that would give a pathway to citizenship to children of illegal immigrants who attend a U.S. college for two years or join the military.
Adding the DREAM Act was Harry Reid's attempt to appease the Hispanics in Nevada that whose votes he needs in November. DADT is another broken promise to gays that Dems are trying to fix. Neither has anything to do with Defense Appropriations, and no Republican should vote to proceed on the bill until those items are removed.


ctchrisf said...

the republican plan to fund military pay- only come with 12 billion dollars spending cuts.
the democrats plan is a standalone bill that just maintains military pay if there is a government shutdown. that bill was rejected by the GOP

Rick Moore said...

And the downside of the GOP plan is??