HolyCoast: Orange Alert!
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Orange Alert!

Drudge reports:

Just days before Dem presidential hopeful John Kerry is set to take the stage in a debate opener projected to be seen by 70 million, photos show Kerry dramatically taking on color.

Is it the late September Wisconsin sun during debate prep that has turned Kerry's face to rich pumpkin-colored hues?

Or has the senator been campaigning in the rust-belt?

Kerry advisers defend the sudden deep tan transition, noting how it simply was from a game of flag football last Friday in Bedford, Mass.

But the College Democrats who met Kerry were surprised by his rich tan glow -- before the game even began, the HARVARD CRIMSON reports.

You've got to see these pictures on Drudge. I noticed that Kerry looked funny on the news last night, but these photos make him look like the Great Pumpkin. It reminds me of the "Friends" episode where Ross went to a spray-on tanning salon and accidentally overdid it.

Brit Hume on Fox, after showing some video of Kerry with his new color, even went out of his way to say that Fox had done nothing to make him appear that way. They didn't want to be accused of doctoring up the image to make him look bad.

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