HolyCoast: You Say Tomato....
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Thursday, September 23, 2004

You Say Tomato....

James Taranto of Best of the Web Today ran a little reader contest to see who could come up with the best new slogan for Heinz Ketchup (the company is seeking to "spice up" their label). Here are some of the best ones:
  • "Only an idiot would use mustard."
  • "Our flavor is stronger at home and respected in the world."
  • "Foreign leaders prefer ketchup."
  • "Ketchup: C'est magnifique."
  • "The taste that's smeared--smeared--in your memory."
  • "For your papases fritas, your pommes frites, your patate fritte and your fritadas francesas."
  • "Mustard: The wrong condiment in the wrong place at the wrong time."
  • "By the way, served in your kitchen."
  • "Too good for the common man."
  • "Hunt's is for scumbags."

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