HolyCoast: Wake Up, America!
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Sunday, October 31, 2004

Wake Up, America!

Wake up, America, was the rallying cry of John Kerry during Friday's campaign events. That is also the cry of someone who realizes that his lifelong ambition is slipping away. The only reason America would have to "wake up" in Kerry's view is because the internal polling is showing that America is not warming up to the idea of a Kerry presidency. We'll find out on Tuesday (hopefully).

Also, Kerry's step-son, Chris Heinz, decided to get into the act by calling President Bush a "coke head" at a rally yesterday. Perhaps Heinz knows what one looks like from personal experience, but I doubt that he's an authority on Bush, and although this charge has been bandied about for years, there has never been a single piece of evidence to indicate that it's true. It sounds like Heinz has been seeing the internal polls as well.

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