HolyCoast: Why Bush?
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Monday, October 18, 2004

Why Bush?

Welcome Hugh Hewitt readers!

I think there's a fundamental at work in this presidential election that best explains why I (or anyone else) should vote to reelect the president. If there's one thing I want to see in a president, it's consistency and doing what he says he will do. Can you think of any instance where President Bush has failed to do what he said he would do? I can't, and that gives me great confidence that his words will be followed up with appropriate actions. I may not always agree with what he wants to do, but I don't have to wonder what's going to happen.

Sen. Kerry has no such convictions. He will say whatever needs to be said that day to accomplish that day's goals. If the goals change, then the words and subsequent actions will change. This makes for a very unpredictable leader and one who does not merit my trust.

Simply put, Bush will walk the talk. Kerry, like his windsurfer, will head in whatever direction the wind blows.

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