HolyCoast: Calling Dr. Phil
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Saturday, November 06, 2004

Calling Dr. Phil

It seems our friends on the Democratic side are having a tough time since Tuesday's election. In the words of a famous former President, I feel their pain.

Tom Raum has the story in his article "Democrats Have Bad Case of the Blues". Here's the final paragraph which could be entertaining to re-read in 2006:
House Democratic leader Pelosi put it another way. "Quite frankly, I think the table is set for us in the next election," she said. "We have lost just about everything that we can lose."

No, Nancy, you haven't lost everything you can lose. There are still 44 Democrat Senators and 206 Democrat House members. The Democrats will once again be defending more Senate seats than Republicans in 2006, and the majority could easily grow. If you keep on acting as you've acted these last 4 years, you won't see a Democrat majority in either house until long after we're all gone.

And don't put all your hopes on Hillary. She may be the darling if the extreme left, but there's an awful lot of Red America (and probably quite a bit of Blue America) that would flee from any thought of another Clinton presidency.

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