HolyCoast: I Voted - Have You?
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Monday, November 01, 2004

I Voted - Have You?

My wife and I went down to the Mission Viejo mall on Friday night where the county had set up an early voting station. We waited in line for about an hour to cast our ballots, but it was worth it. On Tuesday, we'll avoid the hassles of overcrowded polling places.

When you live in a state like California where Kerry is supposed to win easily, it's easy to rationalize a decision not to vote. Why bother if Bush is going to lose the State anyway.
However, there are some very important state propositions and other local races that deserve your attention, and some of those races will be very close. Also, every vote for Bush in California counts toward the national numbers, and we don't want another situation where Bush loses the popular vote.
If you're planning to vote on Tuesday, please, please don't be put off by big crowds. Tough it out and do your duty. It's too important a responsibility to allow a little inconvenience to keep you away.

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