HolyCoast: Lawsuits and Rumors of Lawsuits
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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Lawsuits and Rumors of Lawsuits

Last night Tom Daschle, in one last dying political spasm, filed a lawsuit against his opponent, John Thune, in the South Dakota Senate race. Daschle charged the Thune campaign with various dastardly forms of voter intimidation, such as "eye-rolling" at the polls. Yes, that's right. A federal lawsuit over eye-rolling. Dashle's toast.

Also, here's a report from Philadelphia courtesy of Drudge:
Before voting even began in Philladelphia -- poll watchers found nearly 2000 votes already planted on machines scattered throughout downtown... One incident occurred at 2601 N. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa: Ward 37, division 8... pollwatchers uncovered 4 machines with planted votes; one with over 200 and one with nearly 500... A second location, 1901 W. Girard Ave., Berean Institute, Philadelphia, Pa, had 300+ votes already on 2 machines at start of day... INCIDENT: 292 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 7/7: ADDRESS: 122 W. Erie Ave., Roberto Clemente School, Philadelphia, Pa.; INCIDENT: 456 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 12/3; ADDRESS: 5657 Chew Ave., storefront, Philadelphia, Pa... Developing...
That's one way to beat the crowds at the polls - plant votes on the machines before they open. Expect to see this kind of stuff going on all day. The only way the Dems can win these tight races is to cheat, and there will be plenty of that.

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