HolyCoast: Journalists and the Mosul Attack
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Thursday, December 23, 2004

Journalists and the Mosul Attack

Hugh Hewitt has a good piece in the Weekly Standard regarding the response from journalists to the Mosul suicide bombing:
EVEN BEFORE THE DOCTORS had completed their evacuation of the wounded to Germany in the aftermath of the attack on the Mosul dining hall, and certainly before all the next of kin of the dead had been notified, New York Times reporter Richard Stevenson had sat down at his word processor to manufacture a story on how the attack would cripple George W. Bush's second term domestic agenda.

It wasn't Tet, of course, and not even the Beirut bombing, and decent people might have allowed the dead to be buried before politicizing the Mosul massacre, but Stevenson wasn't going to let taste or facts get in the way of his story.

Read the whole thing here.

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