HolyCoast: ABC Gets Its Picture
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Friday, January 21, 2005

ABC Gets Its Picture

We mentioned in an earlier post that ABC went fishing for a military funeral that would be held on inauguration day. Looks like they found one (courtest of The Corner):
For those of you wondering if it really was ABC that asked on the Internet to find a military funeral to match the Inauguration, wonder no more. Last night on World News Tonight, you could see video of a flag-draped casket in a church, a picture of the killed Marine, a flag being folded over the casket, scenes of grieving funeral attendees, and the Peter Jennings voiceover: "In Rockport, Texas today, just about the time the President was speaking, there was a funeral for a young Marine reservist: 21-year-old Matthew Holloway was killed in Iraq last week by a roadside bomb."

Jennings did have the decency to note how this soldier had felt about his calling: "His brother told a local paper that as much as Matthew wanted to be home, he was very proud of what he was doing in Iraq. And it is something you hear from so many people in the services, including the ten thousand who have already been wounded."

If that town, Rockport, TX, sounds familiar, my quartet was just there two weeks ago for the Rockport Gospel Music Festival. I know those folks down there pretty well, and I can assure you that ABC would have had a tough time finding someone to blast the President in Aransas County.

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