HolyCoast: The Passion versus The Pig
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Friday, January 21, 2005

The Passion versus The Pig

Bridget Johnson writes a long piece in today's OpinionJournal.com regarding the upcoming Oscar battle between Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, and Michael Moore's anti-Bush propaganda film. Both movies have their fans and both think they should be awarded with an Oscar, but I've felt all along that neither will. In fact, neither may be nominated for any major awards. Ms. Johnson sums that up here:
I predict the only thing Michael Moore will walk home with on Oscar night is rolls from the Governors Ball stuffed in his pockets. And this won't be because the hearts of liberals in Hollywood have particularly healed from seeing President Bush elected to four more years, but because "Fahrenheit 9/11" will be bested by a good film. And "The Passion" probably won't be nominated in any of the major categories, to the disappointment of the film audience that made it the No. 3 grossing film of 2004. In grand Hollywood tradition, late-year releases will have won voters' hearts.

When all is said and done, Mel Gibson won't be bothered at all if he doesn't win, while Michael Moore will be devastated if he's likewise ignored.

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