HolyCoast: The Best and the Dumbest
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Best and the Dumbest

If you watched any of today's confirmation hearing for Dr. Rice you got a chance to see the smartest women in government getting grilled by easily the dumbest women in government. Of course Dr. Rice is the smartest, and Senator Barbara (Dumb as a Box of Rocks) Boxer leads the way among the intellectually challenged.

Boxer is an embarrassment to California and to the Senate. She obviously feels bulletproof right now having won reelection for another 6 years (groan!). She has also the self-appointed leader of the wacky left, trying to advance every nutty theory she can come up with. Don't forget, she was the only Senator to promote the idea that the voting in Ohio was flawed enough to try and throw out the Ohio electoral votes.

What makes this all the sillier is that Dr. Rice is a sure bet to be confirmed, and in fact will likely be voted out of committee on the 19th and confirmed by the Senate on the 20th. Boxer's grandstanding and browbeating will not in any way stop that, but it did make Dr. Rice a sympathetic figure and made Boxer look like a raving idiot.

Californians have good reason to be proud of Dr. Rice (who used to hail from here), and every reason to be repulsed by Boxer. What an idiot.

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