HolyCoast: Bias, What Bias?
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Friday, January 14, 2005

Bias, What Bias?

Charles Krauthammer spits in the big C-BS eye with his column today in the New York Daily News. The nut graf:
Some say it is possible to be a partisan at home and yet consciously bias-free at work. The Project for Excellence in Journalism studied mainstream stories in September and October 2004. Take Oct. 1-14: Percent of negative stories about Bush - 59%. Percent of negative stories about Kerry - 25%. Stories favorable to Bush, 14%. To Kerry, 34%. You do not have to be a weatherman to ascertain wind direction. In a February 2003 Gallup poll, 45% of Americans surveyed said the media were too liberal, 15% said they were too conservative. Bias spectacularly, if redundantly, reconfirmed by Rathergate. All that is missing is a written confession.

Read the whole thing here.

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