HolyCoast: Denial Isn't Just a River in Egypt
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Thursday, January 13, 2005

Denial Isn't Just a River in Egypt

Sen. Ted (the Swimmer) Kennedy spoke at the National Press Club yesterday. Most of it was the usual blather from the bloviating lawmaker, but I thought this line was particularly interesting:
"We as Democrats may be in the minority in Congress, but we speak for the majority of Americans."

And I may be only a blogger, but I'm actually the editor of the New York Times.

I hope the Dems follow the corpulent Kennedy as he attempts to run the entire party off a cliff. Dems have not known what to do since 1994 when they were voted into the minority, and have done everything since then to try and act like the majority. On the other side, the Republicans have often forgotten that they are the majority party and have let the Dems run over them on various issues, like judges. It's time that everyone understood their place in the pecking order and acted appropriately.

Of course, no one in the mainstream media will ask Kennedy how it is that his party speaks for the majority of Americans, and yet the majority of Americans don't want them to be the majority party. And how is it that the Dem presidential candidate ended up with 3,000,000 fewer votes than Bush?

Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.

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