HolyCoast: Condi Confirmed
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Condi Confirmed

Dr. Condolezza Rice has been confirmed by the Senate 85-13, almost a week after this should have all been completed. Apparently former KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd decided to relive great moments from Democratic Party history by rhetorically standing in the State Department door and trying to block admission to a highly qualified black woman. Such Democrat notables as Orvil Faubus, Lestor Maddux and George Wallace tried this type of maneuver in the past, and it failed, just as it failed today.

What's really going on here? Condi was a sure bet to be confirmed, and yet 12 Democrats and one Idiotdependent voted against her in what can only be seen as more of a slap at the black community than at President Bush. This will not play well with many of the minority groups that the Dems take for granted.

I think what's happening here is that Dems are scared to death of Condi, not as Secretary of State, but as a possible presidential candidate in 2008. If he does a good job as Sec State, she will be very well positioned to make a run for president, and with that in mind, some of the more lefty Dems decided they better start impugning her integrity now. They're hoping to saddle her with a reputation as a liar that will stick for the next four years. Not going to happen.

Condi will do great, and I look for bigger and better things from her in the future.

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