HolyCoast: Stickers and the University of Oregon
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Thursday, January 27, 2005

Stickers and the University of Oregon

There was a little rhubarb in Oregon the other day (from KEZI.com):
A yellow ribbon sticker that says "Support The Troops" has created a big stir at the University of Oregon.
A day after a campus employee was told to remove the sticker from his maintenance vehicle -- people on campus are reacting.
It all started after a university employee complained.
Some think the university may have gone too far.
But for now... all the stickers are gone.
For some it's a sticker that supports the troops.
But at the University of Oregon... someone saw it as a political statement.
"I don't know how they think these are political.. i think they're patriotic," said Pete Baker, U of O delivery driver.
Pete Baker has had the stickers on his work truck... for months. Friday, a university employee... complained.
Now the stickers are gone.

A lot of folks got their underwear in a wad over this one, calling the University all kinds of things, the kindest being "anti-military". Granted, Oregon is a very blue state with lefties as far as the eye can see, but I'm afraid I have to part ways with my conservative brethren on this one.

I'm a property rights kind of guy, which means if you own something, you should have the right to decide how that item will be used and what is or isn't acceptable. I'm sure it was a political decision to remove the stickers from the truck, but the fact is, the truck belongs to the University and they should have the right to ban stickers if they want to.

We may not like their reasoning for it, but it's not our truck.

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