HolyCoast: GodBlogCon1 - Coming soon
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Thursday, January 27, 2005

GodBlogCon1 - Coming soon

What in the world is GodBlogCon1? Well that collection of letters in search of a space bar represents a rapidly developing convention for Christian bloggers which hopefully will be held in Phoenix this fall. It was the brainchild of Hugh Hewitt, and Dr. Andrew Jackson in Phoenix has taken the ball and run with it.

If things come together as hoped, Christian bloggers (like myself) will gather together for a conference to discuss all kinds of topics related to...well, er Christian bloggers. The event is still in its infancy, but more than 100 bloggers have expressed an interest.

If you're a Christian blogger, or a Christian thinking of getting into blogging, you can go here to express your interest in attending.

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