HolyCoast: Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

A good impersonator should mimic the voice, mannerisms and other attributes of the celebrity he's impersonating, but not the crimes (from Newsmax):
Kennedy Imitator Charged With Manslaughter

A Connecticut man has been charged with manslaughter after abandoning his girlfriend to drown in an case with eerie similarities to one of the most notorious episodes in modern American political history.

"Francisco Loaiza, 29, was charged with manslaughter with a motor vehicle in the death of the 21-year-old woman, a Russian exchange student whose name was withheld," reports the Associated Press.

Borrowing a page from Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy's Chappaquiddick scandal, police say Loaiza crashed his 1995 Nissan through a guard rail bordering Stamford's Holly Pond on Saturday. The vehicle sank to the bottom, with Loaiza's girlfriend trapped inside. Loaiza attempted to flee the scene, allegedly leaving her to drown, but was apprehended - still soaking wet - by police.

In the 1969 episode, Sen. Kennedy managed to elude capture after driving his late-model Oldsmobile off Martha's Vineyard's Edgartown Bridge, leaving staffer Mary Jo Kopechne drowning inside.

Kennedy later claimed he dove into the water several times in a futile effort to save Kopechne. He then went to a local hotel, where he reportedly considered blaming the accident on his cousin, Joseph Garghan.

Unfortunately for Mr. Loaiza, he isn't a powerful Democratic senator, and will therefore be prosecuted to the maximum extent allowed by law.

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