HolyCoast: Mad Maxine
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Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Mad Maxine

Those of us in Southern California are blessed to have some real wackos representing us in Congress. Take for instance Maxine Waters from South Central L.A. If you look up "hateful" in the dictionary, you'll probably find Mad Maxine staring back at you.

She's always crying racism or moaning about some perceived injustice to the black community, and she is definately an avowed Bush-hater.

Tomorrow the electoral college results will be presented to the Congress for acceptance. It's at this point that the new president is actually considered elected. There are procedures for objecting to the vote, though they've been rarely used. There is some talk that Barbara "Dumb as a Box of Rocks" Boxer will join in a challenge which will be brought by John Conyers of Detroit (who has a little turkey problem on his hands right now). The whole thing is of course for show and will quickly be voted down by the Senate.

Back in 2001 Waters decided to challenge the electoral college vote, but didn't like having to deal with the rules of the Senate. Here's how the exchange went (courtesy of The Corner):
The VICE PRESIDENT. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from California (Ms. WATERS) rise?

Ms. WATERS. Mr. Vice President, I rise to object to the fraudulent 25 Florida electorial votes.

The VICE PRESIDENT. Is the objection in writing and signed by a Member of the House and a Senator?

Ms. WATERS. The objection is in writing, and I do not care that it is not signed by a Member of the Senate.

The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair will advise that the rules do care, and the signature of a Senator is required. The Chair will again put that part of the question: Is the objection signed by a Senator?

Ms. WATERS. Mr. Vice President, there are gross violations of the Voting Rights Act from Florida, and I object; and it is not signed by a Senator.

The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks the gentlewoman from California. On the basis previously stated, the objection may not be received.

Look for more of this kind of stupidity tomorrow.

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