HolyCoast: Maybe We Should Just Sign A Treaty...
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Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Maybe We Should Just Sign A Treaty...

National Review Online is full of good stuff today. Andrew McCarthy has a nice piece on the Dems attempt to smear Alberto Gonzalez with the torture rap.

Also, there are a number of good articles on today's RealClearPolitics.com, but one which stuck out was "Does The Right Remember Abu Ghraib (or as I refer to it, Grab Abu)?". Registration is required with the Washington Post to read it, so if you don't want to waste time doing that, I'll sum it up for you. The author is a classic east coast lefty who just can't imagine how we could even consider confirming Alberto Gonzalez for Attorney General since he wrote the smoking gun memo about "torture" that opened the door to all these travesties.

The author, still clearly horrified by Grab Abu, can't imagine why the rest of us aren't equally horrified. The fact is, the guys in that prison were not jaywalkers or parking offenders, they were serious terror suspects who had chosen to fight against U.S. forces. As far as I'm concerned, while there were clearly abuses at the prison, I just find it hard to feel sorry for a bunch of terrorists.

A better question for the title of her article would be "Does the Right CARE About Grab Abu". My answer - NO.

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