HolyCoast: To Stop Hillary, Draft Condi?
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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

To Stop Hillary, Draft Condi?

Dick Morris writes today in The Hill that the only way to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming president in 2008 is to draft Condi Rice for the nomination:

As she tours the continent after her Senate confirmation, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is like a rock star — her every movement, her every meeting covered by an adoring media.

America’s first black female secretary of state is doing in public what she has always done in private — speaking frankly about America’s priorities and the realities of the post-Cold War world. As she jokes with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, loosening up his dogmatic anti-American policies, lectures Russia about freedom and warns Israel of tough decisions ahead, one thing is obvious: A star is being born.

It's pretty early to be predicting that Condi would be a major force for president, but that would certainly be an interesting race.

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