HolyCoast: NY Times and the New Humvee
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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

NY Times and the New Humvee

I saw an article in the Tuesday edition of the Orange County Register that discussed some upgrades coming for the new Humvee. The article was reprinted from the NY Times and used their graphics.

The story discussed various changes that have come about as a result of the combat in Iraq, and as interesting as that was, what struck me was the graphic that accompanied the article. After reading the story, I would have expected them to show your standard press release type photo from the manufacturer. I'm sure AM General could have supplied the Times any number of shots of the vehicles as they are prepared for the Army.

Instead the Times chose to use a photo of a Humvee that has been burned and destroyed in an attack in Iraq. The photo of the still smoking vehicle came complete with some Islamo-moron holding a big rock which he's getting ready to throw at the truck. Once again the anti-war bias of the times comes out in what should be straight news reporting.

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