HolyCoast: Benny And The Left
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Benny And The Left

The Catholic Church has a new Pontiff: Pope Benedict XVI. Since John Paul II died we've been treated to a steady chorus from the lefty talking heads about how this new Pope would represent a "wonderful" opportunity for the church to modernize. In other words, it is an opportunity for the church to reject everything for which John Paul II stood. Anyone who seriously thought that was going to happen is simply foolish. John Paul II appointed all but 3 of the cardinals who voted in this election, and it's unlikely that any of them would have strayed very far from John Paul's example.

Well, the lefties are really disappointed with today's election of German cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. I'm already hearing talk in the media of how shocked they all are that the Cardinals selected someone who so closely identifies with John Paul II and believes strongly in the traditional conservative beliefs of the church. If the lefties are looking for radical change, they're not going to get it from this guy.

So what's next - they have to attempt to demonize him. There's already talk in the media about his past in the German army, and his membership in the Hitler youth. Both are totally irrelevant today as all German kids at that time were expected to be part of the Hitler youth, and he was drafted into the army at 16. He deserted the army in the closing days of the war and ended up a POW for a time..

I'm also hearing the new Pope described as "God's Rottweiller" and other terms used to describe a tough guy who vigorously defends the doctrines of the church. His homily just yesterday at the beginning of the conclave just might have gotten him the job, and certainly didn't endear him to the liberals:
He used a homily at a Mass before the conclave to issue a stern warning that godless modern trends must be rejected. The address was widely seen as promoting his candidacy.

He was expected to take a tough line against reformist trends in Europe and North America. In a Good Friday Mass this year he said: "How much filth there is in the Church, even among those who, in the priesthood, should belong entirely to Him."

I am not surprised that the church elected a conservative to follow John Paul II, but I am surprised that they elected a guy 78 years old. I don't know what his health is like, but I'm not sure it benefits the church to have an elderly, and possibly increasingly failing Pope as its leader. I commented on that very issue here:
I hope the College of Cardinals is wise enough to select a new Pope that is young enough and active enough to pick up where JPII left off. If they elect an old man, I think they will do themselves a disservice. The next Pope will have some mighty big shoes to fill.

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